Yoodata Academy
Yoodata Academy is our specialized structure for high professional and managerial training.
In addition to designing seminars and tailored courses, we have a consolidated portfolio of training initiatives available to our customers. Three are briefly described below.

Data Intelligence
Data analytics and the use of marketing information in the company to guide business strategy and decisions are at the basis of the Data Intelligence courses, directed and coordinated by Massimo Cesaretti.

Data Analysis
If data is the new “oil” of the 21st century, like oil, its overabundance and its misuse may lead to missed opportunities and even side effects In other words, this may sometimes produce more uncertainty than clarity. The Data Analysis courses, coordinated by Sandra Bruno, help to effectively read and interpret data with the support of the most advanced statistical techniques.

Brainfulness is the condition for which one’s neuropsychological potential is fully utilized It is the fullness of the functions and capabilities of our integrated mind-brain system. Today there is a reliable and verified methodology to achieve it, based on the most recent discoveries and applications of neuroscience. Brainfulness courses are directed and coordinated by Alessandro Amadori.