Access and use of this site and the products and services available on it are subject to the following terms, conditions and notices. The Company reserves the right to suspend access or use of this Website by the user if: (a) believes that the user has violated these Terms of Use or (b) deems it necessary to do so for reasons of security of the site and of the data entered therein.
By using the services, the Consumer / Customer accepts all the terms of service, which may be updated by the company DATA HUB SRL, Viale Piave 40 / B, Milan (VAT number 10438680968) from time to time.

The Customer is invited to check this page regularly to view any changes made to the Terms and Conditions. In case of use of this Website after being informed of such changes, it will imply the implicit acceptance of the changes.

The contents present on this website, such as, by way of example, the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, reproductions, figures, logos and any other material, in any format , posted on, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, layouts, tools, fonts and website design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software which are part of DATA HUB SRL, are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right. The reproduction of the YOODATA brand and its contents, in whole or in part, in any form, without the express written consent of the legitimate owner is prohibited.

With regard to the use of, the user is only authorized to view the website and its contents. Furthermore, he is authorized to carry out all those other temporary acts of reproduction, without their own economic significance, which are considered transitory or accessory, an integral and essential part of the visualization of and its contents and all other operations. navigation on the website that are performed only for a legitimate use of and its contents.

However, it is not authorized to make any reproduction, on any medium, in whole or in part of the website and its contents. Any act of reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized by the DATA HUB SRL company or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained on the website. Such reproduction operations must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of the manager and authors of the individual works contained on the website. The authors of individual works published on this site have, at any time, the right to claim the authorship of their works and to oppose any deformation, mutilation or other modification of the works themselves including any act to damage caused to the works, whether of prejudice to their honor or reputation. Furthermore, it is not, under any circumstances, authorized to use, in any way and form, the contents of the website and every single work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right. By way of example, the user may not alter or otherwise modify the contents and photos without the consent of DATA HUB SRL and, where necessary, of the individual owners of the images published on the site.

All the distinctive signs that distinguish any products and services on this website are trademarks registered by their respective owners and are used within, for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing, and advertising the services. Any use of these trademarks that does not comply with the law and, as unauthorized, is prohibited and subject to civil and criminal penalties. It is in no way permitted to use said trademarks and any other distinctive sign present on to take unfair advantage of the distinctive character or particularity of these trademarks or in such a way as to harm them and their owners.

The owner Company will not be in any way responsible for any use that does not comply with these conditions and current laws.

The personal information provided to DATA HUB SRL by the user through this Website will be subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is available in the PRIVACY POLICY section.

It is in the interest of the supplier company to implement a policy of amicably resolving disputes and handling complaints in order to try to resolve the various requests as soon as they arise. Disputes are subject to Italian law and, in any case, the applicable competent court, specifically the court of Milan.

Misuse of this website is prohibited.

It is forbidden: to commit or promote a crime; transmit or disseminate viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or publish any other material that is harmful, technologically harmful, violates confidentiality or is in any way offensive or obscene; violate any aspect of the Services; alter the data; cause disturbance to other users; violate the property rights of any person; send advertising or unsolicited material, commonly called “spam”; attempt to affect the performance or functionality of computer facilities on this website or which can be accessed via this website. The violation of this provision may constitute a crime under the Italian penal code. The Company will report such violations to the competent authorities and will reveal, if requested, your identity according to the data in its possession.

DATA HUB SRL takes all reasonable measures to ensure that this Website and its Contents are free from viruses and defects, but cannot guarantee that the user’s computer, hardware and software components or any data stored or created by the computer, hardware or software component (collectively, “Equipment”) will not be damaged, corrupted, lost or otherwise affected as a result of accessing or using this Website and any Content. The Company recommends the user to take all necessary precautions to protect their equipment while using the Website or the Contents, for example by installing reliable antivirus software.

DATA HUB SRL will not be liable to the user for (a) any loss or corruption of data, (b) loss or damage to computer equipment, (c) any loss or damage not foreseeable by both parties, both by the user and by the company, or the eventuality of which has not been ascertained in the event of a violation by the Company of these Terms of use or of the legal obligation of the same of assistance to the user, or (d) any loss or damage suffered by the user as a result of his failure to take reasonable precautions against such loss or damage, such as the installation of reliable antivirus software. Nothing in these Terms of Use excludes or limits the social responsibility towards the user in the event of fraud, death or damage to an individual caused by negligence or for any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited under the laws in force.

In case of violation of these Terms and Conditions, if no action is taken, the company DATA HUB SRL will still have the right to use our rights and remedies in any other case of violation of these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms of Service must be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in Italy and in the event of any dispute or complaint associated with these Terms of Service, such dispute or complaint will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Italian law and specifically the Court of Milan.

This section shows the site management methods regarding the processing of personal data of users who consult it and of those who sign up to use its services. This is a disclosure pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, also known as the GDPR. 

The data controller of the personal data of users who consult the site is Data Hub Srl, based in Milan in Viale Piave 40 / B, in the person of its legal representative Silvana Sandra Bruno, domiciled for the office at the company’s registered office. The person responsible for the protection of personal data (DPO) can be reached at the address

The owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data.

The processing is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the following purposes:

Provision of the requested services, with direct or indirect methods aimed at carrying out the same

Administrative and accounting purposes related to the fulfillment of pre-contractual and contractual obligations

Fulfillment of national and international regulatory requirements

Marketing and / or promotion and / or communication purposes, in an automated or traditional form

In addition to the owner, in some cases, other subjects involved in the organization of the Data Hub (administrative, commercial, marketing, system administrators, etc.) or external partners called to fulfill the services of the platform may have access to the data (such as Paypal).

The personal data of users who have accessed the services are kept for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed, without prejudice to the retention terms established by law.

When the processing is based on the user’s consent, the owner can keep the personal data longer until such consent is revoked.

The interested party may exercise, at any time, the rights provided by the GDPR Regulation and listed below towards the owner, by sending a specific request to the email address or by post to DATA HUB Srl Viale Piave 40 / b, 20129 Milan. The rights of the interested party are:

Right of access. The interested party has the right to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him is being processed and, in this case, to obtain access to personal data and the following information: the purposes of the processing ; the categories of personal data in question; the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed; when possible, the retention period of personal data.

Right of rectification. The interested party has the right to ask the data controller to rectify and integrate them, if they are incomplete, by providing a supplementary declaration.

Right to cancel. The interested party has the right to ask the owner to delete his personal data, if one of the reasons provided for by art. 17 of the Regulation, including, by way of example, if the personal data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.

Right of limitation. The interested party can obtain the limitation of the processing of his personal data if one of the hypotheses provided for by art. 18 of the Regulation.

Right to data portability. The interested party has the right to receive their data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and to obtain their unimpeded transfer to another owner, if technically feasible.

Right to object. The interested party has the right to object at any time, for reasons related to his particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him.
Right of complaint. The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent personal data protection supervisory authority.

Right to withdraw consent. The interested party can revoke the consent expressed with this Notice at any time.

This website uses cookies.

Yoodata S.r.l. with registered office in Viale Piave 40 / B, 20129 Milan (the “Company” or the “Owner”) as the data controller, wishes to inform users (the “Users”) about the use of cookies on this site .

Cookies are small text strings that the Site sends to the User’s terminal, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the Site on its next visit. Cookies can be first-party (affixed directly by the Company) or third-party. Cookies are useful because they allow the Site to recognize the User’s device and allow you to navigate between pages, remembering the preferences expressed and improving the Users’ browsing experience. In certain cases, some types of cookies can also make sure that the advertisements displayed online are more appropriate to the User or relevant to his interests.

By changing the settings of their browser, the User can decide to make the installation of any type of cookie subject to their prior consent or to completely prevent their installation. Remember that the configuration of each browser is different and is described in the browser’s “Help” menu.
To understand how to set the cookie settings, the User can consult the following links: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari.

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