The Millennials

Ricerca millennials
The Millennials: understanding and communicating with the new adults.

Over 11 million Italians – Millennials are a very important consumption segment not only in quantitative terms but also for the challenges they pose to market, brands and media. They are the most connected generation ever – using internet is fundamental, since it’s the most used media, as well as the different codes and communication styles adopted with respect to the past.

How many different Millennials coexist, how are they segmented and targeted inside their categories? What are their purchasing behaviours by product category and their approach to the brand? What are their reference values? How do they use social media and what communication can draw their attention?

These and other questions are met by the Millennials market research carried out by Yoodata with the multi-client crowdfunding modality, an important opportunity not to miss the link with the new adults.


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